About Me Page

All About Me!!!

(Thomas Bartok)

      To give you a little run-down on myself, I’m from eastern Connecticut, and find myself to be a fairly kind person. I’m very humble and don’t see myself ranking higher than anybody. My biggest hobby is playing football. I’ve been playing football for about 10 years and still enjoy it today. Aside from the injuries it brings, I find it intriguing how football is a team sport that relies mainly on you. You have an assignment that you have to complete which is different from the guy next to you, and when everyone comes together and does their job, winning and success happens. My other hobbies are very basic and cliché; I play a little bit of video games and enjoy being around friends and having conversations. I’m a friendly person, so don’t be afraid to engage in conversation with me! Also, my favorite color is blue if you couldn’t tell. 



